New Zealand Royal Commission of Inquiry into Abuse in Care, 17 February, 2022

Chair of The New Zealand Royal Commission into Historical Abuse in State Care Judge Carol Shaw today publicly thanked Nial Fulton and Sarah Ferguson in Christchurch, New Zealand. The Royal Commission into Historical Abuse in State Care and in the Care of Faith Based Institutions has investigated the many crimes of the Catholic religious order, The Brothers of St John of God. The same order featured in Episode 2 of the 'Revelation' documentary series, when Fulton and Ferguson interviewed the notorious and prolific paedophile Brother Bernard McGrath and filmed his fifth criminal trial in the New South Wales District Court. As part of the final hearing on 17 February 2022, the Commission played a 40 min film produced by Nial Fulton, which included previously unheard New Zealand survivor testimony. Following the screening, the Chair of the Commission, Judge Carol Shaw said: '...I think I need to acknowledge the makers of the documentary. I just want to acknowledge Nial Fulton and Sarah Ferguson, the makers of that very powerful documentary. I want to thank in particular Nial Fulton because I am aware that he has given great assistance to the Inquiry. He's volunteered all his time and his expertise and he has created material particularly for us giving a New Zealand dimension to the material we have just seen and so I want to publicly thanks them for that very powerful and important part of our investigation.' All three episodes of 'Revelation' can be streamed here
Download the Royal Commission Transcript below: