Luke Buckmaster, The Guardian, 3 May 2023

Aware that she’s entering an explosive space, director Nel Minchin (who co-directed the terrific Firestarter: The Story of Bangarra) performs a constant juggling act in her two-part documentary about former cross-code superstar Israel Folau, who was sacked by Rugby Australia after publishing a deeply offensive and bigoted social media post. Interviewees have been selected very carefully and diligently, including coaches, players, religious leaders, sports commentators, members of the Pasifika community and LGBTQI voices.
There’s a sense Minchin is treading on eggshells, but the production is unquestionably successful in its effort to explore nuance. The second episode in particular really gets into the thorny issues, pivoting around the clash between freedom of expression versus the right not to be vilified.
Read The Guardian Article here
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