Sean Slatter, Inside Film, 6 September, 2021

Magnolia Pictures International has acquired international sales rights outside of the US for Yaara Bou Melhem’s Unseen Skies.
The In Films and Participant Media documentary follows artist Trevor Paglen during the final stretch of his decade-long journey to put a work of art into space.
Melhem, a two-time UN Peace Award-winning filmmaker, and investigative journalist, highlights the global impact of technology in the 21st century and its adverse impact on privacy through Paglen’s story as a geographer and a former punk rock musician working to launch the Orbital Reflector.
The Australia/US production, backed by Screen Australia and Screen NSW, premiered at this San Francisco International Film Festival in April. Last week it was announced as one of the films set to compete for the Documentary Australia Foundation (DAF) Award for Australian Documentary at the Sydney Film Festival in November.